This freestyle snowboarding course in France will get you busting out new tricks. Join these snowpark lessons to unleash your inner park rat!
Grabs Airs, Grips and 360° spins. The world of freestyle snowboarding is at your fingertips. Learn how to freestyle snowboard, progress your tricks and use the jumps to your advantage. The biggest thrills possible are right here!
So awaken the freestyle snowboarder within! This Freestyle snowboarding course in France with esf makes you come alive and tests all your skills and techniques. Start new adventures with the expertise of our esf instructors.
– Are you motivated to perfect your tricks?
– Want to hurtle down miles of powder snow?
– Interested in Boardercross?
Don’t hesitate as esf’s freestyle snowboarding lessons are made for you.
With esf, you can learn and perfect new tricks in the safety of the snow parks and with our expert team of instructors.
Safety is a priority: Our esf instructors know perfectly well how to give you the best teaching while reducing the risks as much as possible.
During this Freestyle snowboarding course in France you will get to know the mountain environments with the guidance of our esf team. This includes:
- Off-Piste safety rules,
- Analysis of the snowpack
- Understanding the weather,
- Use of rescue equipment with the team.