Plan France telemarking trips & telemark in France

Would you like to telemark in France? Then you are in for a treat as France is a great place to go telemarking. The goal of this page is to help you plan France telemarking trips. So below you'll find our selection of telemark holidays and vacations, courses and lessons, experiences and day trips, hotels and other accommodation in France. There are also deals and discounts to help you... +


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Advice & Tips for Booking Group Ski Holidays & Snowboard Trips

If you have ever been given the task of booking a group ski vacation you will know all too well how frustrating and time consuming it...

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FREE ski or snowboard lessons as Oxygene turns 30

This winter Oxygene Ski & Snowboard School’s celebrates its 30th Anniversary. What with the French borders opening this calls for...

Activities: eBiking, +
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Interesting Snowboarding News 2014: Week 7 – avalanche danger off the scale

It has been a sensationally snowy week in the Alps, the Dolomites and the Rockies, with worrying reports that  too much snow is...

Activities: Snowboarding, +
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