hiking travel & hike adventures

If you want inspiration on where to hike we can help! A hiking travel experience is a great way to see new places while enjoying a good hike. Hiking is the activity of going on long walks, often on footpaths or trails in the countryside. As well as enjoying fresh air, hiking is a great way of keeping fit and is good for the body and mind. The great thing about hiking is that it ... +






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Polar Grit X Pro Review: Rugged Smartwatch for Sports & Adventure

To conduct this Polar Grit X Pro review I have worn this rugged smartwatch for sports and adventure extensively. Running and hiking,...

Activities: Bouldering, +
Destinations: N/A
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Guide to African Safari Adventures: Planning Wildlife Holidays in Africa

Camp with bushmen in the Kalahari. Walk with lions in Zambia. Or hang out with gorillas in the Ugandan highlands. In this guide to...

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Top 9 Five Star Adventure Holidays: Best Luxury Activity Vacations

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking – it’s time to get adventurous!” Well, no, I’m not actually a cruise...

Activities: 4x4, +
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